Consent to Filming and Photography

In accordance with Triple Crown ARSC safeguarding policy we will not permit photographs, video or other images of young people to be taken without the consent of the child (16 to 18) or the parent if the child is under 16. 

(Images are defined as photos or videos in either digital or printed formats)

All images shall be managed in accordance with our data protection policy and GDPR .

How will your / your child’s image be used?  

We may use your/ your child’s image:   

  • to promote sport, physical activity and wellbeing on our website, online and  
  • downloadable resources  
  • on social media, including X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Instagram 
  • in printed materials such as newsletters, annual reports and marketing materials.  
  • for coaching purposes including video/photo analysis 

 Please note that your/ your child’s name may be published in connection with the image/s or film.    

How long will we keep your / your child’s image?  

We’ll keep your child’s image for 7 years before destroying any copies we hold. The image may continue to be found online or printed materials beyond this date.  

Removing your images from our records   

You can contact us to change your permission at any time, by emailing   

Triple Crown ARSC will take all steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes they are intended. If you become aware that these images are being used inappropriately you should inform Triple Crown ARSC Safeguarding Lead immediately.  

Consent for the use of Images

You / your parent will be asked to sign a consent form that explicitly defines the level of consent that you agree to give Triple Crown ARSC for the use of your images.


  • If the child is under 16, consent must be obtained from parents/legal guardians.  
  • If over 16, it’s still good practice to inform parents that photographs/videos of their child may be used if the child has given consent