Code of Conduct for Club Committee Members
Triple Crown ARSC recognises the huge contribution made by volunteers. The purpose of this Code is to maintain high standards of conduct, assist individuals in their voluntary role and to protect the best interests of our club. Conduct within the Club is driven by our club values.
This Code of Conduct for Club Committee members is part of our overall set of club codes,
Committee members should hold their position primarily for their knowledge, skill set and experience and their ability to actively contribute to the running of Triple Crown ARSC.
This code reflects the hopes and intentions of the Triple Crown ARSC and it's volunteers agreeing to take on the role.
My promise as a Club Committee Member
I will:
- promote the values, aims, rules and regulations of our club by acting as its ambassador and advocate always presenting it and its members in a positive light
- act only in the interests of Triple Crown ARSC as a whole not individuals or small groups
- listen and respect the views of others and always use appropriate and respectful language and behaviour
- help establish and maintain a comprehensive set of club rules and regulations that are regularly reviewed including a club risk register to understand and limit any potential threats to the club
- manage club funds so as to maximise value for money in all club financial dealings
- champion equality and respect the rights, dignity and worth of all people involved in the club, regardless of gender, race, marital status, colour, disability, sexuality, age, occupation, religion, or political opinion.
- attend relevant training events and take reasonable steps to ensure that I am aware of the development of sport policy and other issues which may affect my role or Triple Crown ARSC.
I will not:
- attempt to exercise individual authority over Triple Crown ARSC or its volunteers except as explicitly set forth in agreed policies or my assigned lead responsibility areas
- become inflexibly caught up in promoting my own views at meetings
- gossip or act with bias or prejudice towards others
- use offensive or discriminatory language or behaviour
- keep quiet if I have concerns about the club
- fail to deliver on my commitments as a committee member
- publicly disagree with decisions that the committee takes as a group, even if I have a different personal view
- consume alcoholic drinks or illegal substances or smoke during meetings
I shall also actively contribute to the effective work of the Club Committee by:
- good preparation for meetings by reading all papers which have been circulated prior to meetings
- regular attendance, participation and contribution at meetings including constructive challenge when appropriate
- dealing with issues of agenda clarification before meetings and maintaining a sharp focus on agenda items in meetings so that time is used effectively
- respecting the office of the “Chair of the meeting” to ensure the orderly conduct of meetings and any management of conflicts
- attempting to reach decisions by consensus and always publicly support group decisions even if my personal opinion is different
- ensuring timely response to, and completion of, agreed actions
- supporting fellow Committee members in their leadership of the club
- attending the Club AGM and any other meeting as and when required